Breeding groups were made in early Oct for March/April 2021 lambs. This year, ALL rams used were purebred, crimpy, soft, fine fleeced Traditional 1927® Shetlands of top quality. No crossing groups this year. So, there should be lots of purebred lambs to chose from next year. If you see something that you may have interest in, please drop me a line and/or a deposit! First come, first served.
I breed for top quality, fine fleeced Shetlands with crimpy, soft, dense fleeces on all of the sheep in my flock, going on nearly 2 decades of breeding with diverse colors and patterns. Productive, milky, wide loins, great structure and breed type are hallmarks in my flock, along with fabulous fleeces. Good temperaments are also bred for. Something for everyone can be had here.
UTS Dawson's group
Dawson is a medium dark grey katmoget (Ab/Aa, B/b, krunet). He is the sire and grandsire of champions and reserve champions. His group is the biggest with 10 ewes. Hoping to keep a ram lamb or two and some ewe lambs from him.
His group consists of Mascarpone (white), Moda (white), Cascade (moorit/fawn), Teton (fawn kat), Eva (white), Coso (grey), Kaffe Fassett (spotted grey kat), Moda (black krunet), Toya (moorit), and Topaz (fawn kat)
UTS Troy's group
Troy is the 2019 WSWF reserve champion ram (as a ram lamb). Troy is a dark blue grey katmoget (Ab/Aa, B/b). His lambs from this year were fabulous. Some of the ewes are repeat breedings.
His group consists of Galaxy (rose mioget), Meira (moorit), Cerina (black - 2019 WSWF Champion ewe), Talledega (spotted grey kat), Windsong (fawn kat - 2018WSWF Supreme Champion), Tacoosh (shaela, 2016 WSWF Champion ewe), and Genevieve (emsket).
UTS Troy
UTS Troy
Decided to take a quick video of him as he was checking out Dawson's group. He is growing up to be a tremendous ram.

UTS El Paso's group
El Paso is a white ram with modified genetics (he has a blue nose and has sired emskets). El Paso has sired ram lambs with great horns and very wide rears.
His group consists of Sirene (fawn, twin to WSWF Supreme Champion Stilton), Galena (mioget), Mingay (mioget), Chianti (emsket), and Moxahala (shaela).
UTS Cameron's group
Cameron is a spotted grey ram (B/b) and has retained a grey color in his dense fleece. Cam's lambs are always very nice and it is hard to not to want to keep them all.
His group consists of Mazda (black smirslet), Sekka (grey kat), Coolea (fawn kat), Fancy (white), Markoti (white), and Osage (dark grey kat).
Pike is a yuglet sokket dark blue grey katmoget ram lamb. His group has mostly spotted ewes. Hoping for some flashy lambs with very fine fleeces like their sire.
UTS Pike's group
His group consists of Darby (grey kat), Murex (grey kat), Vivian (smirslet sokket grey kat), Maja (smirslet fawn kat), and Colla (spotted grey - mother of Cameron).
UTS Tonga
Tonga is a dark grey katmoget ram lamb who carries spots. Spots are also in some of the ewes in this group. Also hoping for very fine fleeces from this group.
His group consists of Patches (black yuglet), Cachet (fawn kat), Conde (grey), Moonwind (white), Merrimac (grey kat), and Sierra Nevada (fawn kat).
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