Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Some 2016 lambs

Some of the 2016 Lambs
Here are some of the purebred Shetland lambs from this year.  Not all are pictured and of the ones that are pictured, some will be available for sale.  Some will be keepers. 

UTS Manchego/UTS Talladega - fawn kat ewe

Emsket/Shaela ewe - UTS Cayoosh/UTS Madeline
Lt moorit, mioget moonspotted ewe- UTS Mahon/UTS Chianti

UTS Coso with musket spotted ewe and grey spotted ram by UTS Manchego

UTS Manchego/UTS Vintosha - white ewe

UTS Mahon/UTS Nadaleen - lt moorit/mioget ewe

UTS Mahon/UTS Shenadoah - moorit ewe and fawn kat ram

UTS Mahon/UTS Shenadoah -  fawn kat ram

UTS Mahon/UTS Mascarpone - white ewe

UTS Manchego/UTS Sierra Nevada - fawn kat ewe (head spotting)

UTS Manchego/UTS Sierra Nevada - grey kat ewe

UTS Elfin with moorit ewe by UTS Mahon

UTS Mahon/UTS Elfin moorit ram

UTS Manchego/UTS Teton - white ewe

UTS Chianti with her other lt moorit/dk mioget ewe by UTS Mahon

UTS Mahon/S'More Maraca - moorit light badgerface ram

UTS Mahon/S'More Maraca - black light badgerface ewe

UTS Manchego/UTS Formosa Jade - twin white rams

UTS Manchego/UTS Kjolen - black katmoget ram
Possibly a half poll.  Extremely fine.

UTS Manchego/UTS Cascade - white ram

UTS Cayoosh/UTS Mingay - lt moorit/dk mioget ram

BFL/Wensleydale/Teeswater/Shetland cross lambs -
These lambs will be available starting in June for $200 each.  White, moorit, black, and one grey available in ewes or rams (that can be wethered) for either commercial flocks or spinner's flocks.  There are close to 40 crosses available.    PLEASE, place your deposit now for one of these spectacularly fleeced lambs! Some have tight fine crimp and others will be longer, wavier, and more lustrous like the Wensleydale or Teeswater breed.   Pictured below are just a few of them.